

Surface Area


Lidl supermarket building in Leskovac

Lidl Serbia KD

Gross Area=2685m²

Office building

Sports and business facility BC Trade

BC Trade

Gross Area=6000m²

Office building

National Gymnastics Center and School Hall of the Elementary School “Mika Antić” Niš

City of Niš

Gross Area=1400m²

Office building

Sports and recreation center Banjica-Knjaževac

Municipality of Knjaževac

Gross Area=6000m²

Office building

Construction project of SC Kalča in Niš


Gross Area=3200m²

Office building

Construction project of SC Dušanov Bazar

City of Niš

Gross Area=6000m²

Office building

Legalization of the building of the House of Culture in Kragujevac

City of Kragujevac

Gross Area=9700m²

Public building

Elementary school in Veliki Trnovac

CHF Serbia, Bujanovac Municipality

Gross Area=3000m²

Public building

Agricultural school “Šumatovac” in Aleksinac

Agricultural school “Šumatovac”

Gross Area=1700m²

Public building

Extension of specialized classrooms in the elementary school “Mika Antić” in Niš

City of Niš

Gross Area=800m²

Public building

Reconstruction and extension of the elementary school “Branislav Nušić” in the village of Rataje

City of Vranje

Gross Area=2700m²

Public building

Reconstruction and adaptation of the elementary school “Dobrila Stambolić” in Svrljig

Municipality of Svrljig

Gross Area=2400m²

Public building

Adaptation of the elementary school “Jastrebački partizani” in the village of Oblačina

Municipal Administration of the Municipality of Merošina

Gross Area=1270m²

Public building

Reconstruction of the roof of the court in Sremska Mitrovica

District Court in Sremska Mitrovica

Gross Area=3000m²

Public building

Reconstruction and energy rehabilitation of the preschool institution “Dečija radost” in Bela Palanka

Municipality of Bela Palanka

Gross Area=1081m²

Public building

Reconstruction and energy refurbishment of the preschool institution “Izvorčić” in Bela Palanka

Municipality of Bela Palanka

Gross Area=1200m²

Public building

Reconstruction and energy refurbishment of the building “Stara bolnica” – a home for children with disabilities in Bela Palanka

Municipality of Bela Palanka

Gross Area=1420m²

Public building

Horizontal extension of the elementary school “Svetozar Marković” in Kragujevac

Elementary School “Svetozar Marković”

Gross Area=652m²

Public building

Center for Simulation of Combat Operations VB South Cepotina

The Army of Serbia

Gross Area=700m²

Public building

Horizontal extension of the elementary school “Učitelj Tasa” in Niš

Elementary school “Učitelj Tasa”

Gross Area=550m²

Public building

Horizontal extension the school of fashion and beauty in Niš

School of fashion and beauty

Gross Area=350m²

Public building

Reconstruction of the new hemodialysis department of CC Niš

CC Niš

Gross Area=200m²

Public building

Basement adaptation of surgery – semi-intensive care

CC Niš

Gross Area=110m²

Public building

Reconstruction of the tin roof of the neurology clinic

CC Niš

Gross Area=150m²

Public building

Reconstruction of the roof of the neurology clinic in Belgrade

CC of Serbia

Gross Area=1200m²

Public building

Horizontal extension of the municipal administration of Medvedja

Municipality of Medvedja

Gross Area=800m²

Public building

Adaptation of the space for the needs of the parents’ house


Gross Area=260m²

Public building

Reconstruction of the GOC CC Niš

KC Niš

Gross Area=480m²

Public building

Reconstruction of the Clinic for Lung Diseases and Oncology in Knez Selo

CC Niš

Gross Area=1200m²

Public building

Reconstruction of the first floor of the Center for Nuclear Medicine

CC Niš

Gross Area=120m²

Public building

Reconstruction of the intensive care unit and the outpatient diagnostic department at the Clinic for Burns, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Belgrade

CC Serbia

Gross Area=984m²

Public building

Reconstruction of the part of the oncology clinic in Knez Selo – palliative care

CC Niš

Gross Area=300m²

Public building

Residential building in Primorska Street in Niš

PD Agrogradnja Company doo Niš

Gross Area=900m²

Residential building

Residential building in street Nikola Dražić in Niš


Gross Area=1600m²

Residential building

Conversion of storage into production space within the Philip Morris factory in Niš

Philip Morris International

Gross Area=22000m²

Industrial building

Reconstruction of the tobacco factory BAT-DIV Vranje halls 1, 2, 12, 13, 14

British American Tobacco

Gross Area=12000m²

Industial building

Fuel oil heating plant in the high school center Bujanovac

CHF Serbia

Gross Area=150m²

Industial building

Gas heating plant in st. Majakovski in Niš

City Housing Agency of Niš

Industial building

Reconstruction of raw material warehouse and preparation 505 B within the Tigar Tires factory in Pirot

Tigar Tires Pirot (Michelin)

Gross Area=16000m²

Industial building

Reconstruction of raw material warehouse and preparation 505 C within the Tigar Tires factory in Pirot

Tigar Tires Pirot (Michelin)

Gross Area=6000m²

Industial building

Extension and reconstruction of the annex next to the production hall within the Tigar Tires factory in Pirot

Tigar Tires Pirot (Michelin)

Gross Area=4700m²

Industial building

Refurbishment of the rolling mill structure within the Tigar Tires factory in Pirot

Tigar Tires Pirot (Michelin)

Gross Area=4500m²

Industial building

Project for construction and reconstruction of access docks of warehouse 24a within the Philip Morris factory complex in Niš

Philip Morris operations AD

Gross Area=550m²

Industial building

Warehouse – tent within the complex of the Philip Morris factory in Niš

Philip Morris operations AD

Gross Area=360m²

Industial building

Project of demolition of part of the existing buildings within the Benetton factory in Niš

Benetton Serbia

Gross Area=14000m²

Industial building

Reconstruction of the entrance canopy and porter’s lodge of building 20 within the Benetton factory in Niš

Benetton Serbia

Gross Area=400m²

Industial building

Adaptation of the ground floor of building 21 – warehouse of raw material within the complex of the Philip Morris factory in Niš

Philip Morris operations AD

Gross Area=750m²

Industial building

Reconstruction and extension of the canopy of the warehouse 24a within the Philip Morris factory complex in Niš

Philip Morris operations AD

Gross Area=300m²

Industial building

Reconstruction of new copper electrolysis works


Gross Area=1200m²

Industial building

Reconstruction of new copper electrolysis works


Gross Area=6950m²

Industial building